Whether it’s in the classroom, at camp, or at home, your child will be thrust into situations that require the skill of independence. To be able to stand up on their own two feet and stand up for themselves in an important life skill to learn. Here’s how you can cultivate the skill of independence in your child.


Chores are a vital part of developing independence in children. As parents, it is essential for us to teach our children how to do their chores at a young age so that they can take care of themselves and do not need to rely on others when they are older.

Chores that contribute towards keeping your home clean, organized, and functional are ideal for your children. They teach your children proper household upkeep, basic responsibility, and teach them about the consequences of their actions. This will ultimately help them develop good habits later in life.

Things you can make your child do at an early age:

  • Make their bed when they wake up
  • Depositing dirty clothes in the hamper
  • Washing dishes

Creating Routines Creates Independence

By creating a routine for your child, you’re helping them to learn independence and responsibility. If you follow the same schedule every day, it’s easy for children to get used to what’s expected of them. When they are given the freedom and autonomy to determine what they will do on their own in the morning or at night, they feel more confident that they can achieve success.

Routines also offer security, as planning ahead allows parents (or caregivers) time off from being responsible for every decision made by their child during each day or night. This means less stress!

Give Praise and Incentivize

Giving praise and incentivizing your child for a job well done — be it through successful chores or following through with their routines — can also encourage independence. It’s important to not overdo it though; Incentivize with small rewards, like TV time or a treat from the grocery store if they do their chores well.

Furthermore, don’t punish your child if they don’t do their chores. Instead, talk to them about why it’s important to complete the task at hand.

Mistakes Are Okay!

If your child messes up and makes a mistake, it’s important to not admonish them. Instead, let them know that mistakes are okay!

Mistakes are a part of life, even for adults. We all make mistakes every single day, no matter how hard we try not to or how many precautions we take. This is why it’s important for kids and teens to understand that making mistakes isn’t bad — it’s actually an important part of life!

Making mistakes can help us learn more about ourselves, others and the world around us — and in many cases, those mistakes will lead us closer toward our goals in life.